Terms of service and Disclaimer

The terms of use and disclaimer for the 501Soft site(https://501soft.com) are as follows.

About comments

Comments containing the following content may not be approved at our site’s discretion and may be deleted.

  • Defaming a particular individual or company.
  • Contains extremely obscene content.
  • Make requests or mediations, such as transactions related to prohibited goods or acts that harm others.
  • Deny public order and morals that should not be approved, etc by this site.

The accuracy of information on this site

We strive to post as accurate information as possible on the content and information on this site. However, incorrect information can get in and the information can become outdated. It does not guarantee accuracy. Nor does it guarantee legality or security.

Liability for damage

Please note that we do not take any responsibility for damages caused by the contents posted on this site.

Also, if you move from this site to another site by link, banner, etc., we do not take any responsibility for the information, services, etc. provided on the destination site.

We are not liable for any damages caused to users due to the suspension of services on this site due to force majeure caused by maintenance, fire, power outage, other natural disasters, viruses or interference by third parties, etc. I do not owe it.

Copyrights and portrait rights of images posted on this site

The copyright and portrait right of the images posted on this site belong to each right holder. If you have any problems, please contact us by inquiry.

Prohibition of unauthorized reproduction

Unauthorized reprint of copyrighted information such as texts, images, videos, etc., existing on this site is prohibited. We will take legal action for anything beyond the scope of the citation. When reprinting, please contact us from the inquiry.